My Testimony - From bondage to freedom (english)

My childhood was not happy. Both my parents battled alcoholism and mental health issues. My father was violent and abusive. It gave me very bad PTSD and other mental health issues. I struggled with these issues all my life and they significantly impacted all areas of my life. At 19, I experimented with drugs, especially ecstasy. It gave me relief from my mental health issues. When I was high on ecstasy, I felt amazing freedom. It would only last a few hours each time. After a while, my anxiety and depression got so bad I could no longer take drugs. I seeked something new.

I found new age spirituality. I discovered and opened up to a whole new world. I started practicing meditation and right away began to have supernatural experiences. I started to seek and communicate with spiritual beings like angels and ETs. This was something the New Age very much promoted. At 22, I got recruited into a cult that was based around hidden/ secret knowledge. This cult was all based around a fascination by ETs (aliens), seeking contact and wisdom from them, and following their teachings received by means of direct spiritual revelation (from these beings). After 2 years in the cult, I was, again, searching for something better. I decided to follow a different teacher from the USA and moved to the USA. My spiritual abilities became a lot stronger thanks to this new teacher but my actual life became hell and I also began to see the teacher was not really a good person, so I gave up on him. Looking back on it now, I think this teacher was also a cult leader and a very mentally deranged and dangerous person. I am only now, thanks to Jesus, beggining to heal from the consequences of following him. After this, I started my own new age business in Slovakia. I became somewhat popular and known in the Slovak and Czech community because of a video I made regarding the topic of aliens and UFOs.

Nothing in New Age was leading to hapiness or resolution of problems in my life, as was falsely promised. I still had mental health issues. The practices gave me good ways to mask them, or to dissociate from them, but it was not true healing, true resolution, nor true peace.

In 2017, I first heard about the good news, about the real Jesus Christ. A woman called Doreen Virtue was a public figure in new age and got born again and gave her life to Christ. I did not believe her saying the new age is ruled by demons, but she was urging people to read the Bible. I thought that was a fair suggestion and felt compelled to read it.

I got the catholic version and I found it very difficult to understand and read, so I returned it. The urge to read the Bible stayed at the back of my mind though ever since. I was lazy, stubborn, set in my old ways and I put it off for a long time.

At the end of 2018, I was working in a christmas market in Germany, i heard about a book called "The Second Coming of the New Age". I watched videos about it from writers of this book and I felt such incredible liberation listening to people seriously challenge, deconstruct and demystify the new age movement. It was amazing.

During this time, Doreen Virtue herself published an interview with the author of this book Steven Bancarz about his book. I was thrilled to watch it. Steven led a prayer at the end of the video. When I heard it, something amazing happened, it was the words "Lord, we pray that if anyone watching this is in spiritual oppresion and under spiritual attack, Lord, we pray that you would break the chains right now in Jesus name. When he said the words break the chains, something broke. I felt like something happened with my soul, as if a very mighty being came into my soul, found me in the depths of darkness I was in, and brought me out of it, into true light and peace. I thought, this must be "the" Jesus, that they talk about, who also saved them. Who or what else could it be?

I didn't know anything about Jesus or Christianity but something significant happened with me that evening through hearing that prayer. It was like for the first time ever I found God, he finally reached my heart and got through to me.

My worldview began to change. I began following Jesus. I stopped practicing all new age, closed my business, started to read the Bible, made some new Christian friends and started going to Church. God brought and is still bringing many wonderful things to my life other than freeing me from the spiritual oppresion of the new age. I have peace now. My life is peaceful. It never was peaceful previously. Nowhere near it.

This is my testimony that God is good and that Jesus Christ truly saves sinners, brings them out of darkness and into true light and peace with the Father.

It's not a myth or a fantasy

It's a reality, it's truth

- Veronika M.

Veronika Mihalková / Zakladateľ / Všetky práva vyhradené
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